Friday, April 13, 2012

Majorana particles

Majorana fermions.
Dutch researchers discovered the predicted Majorana particles (quasiparticles that are their own antiparticles). Computer technology based on quantum bits (qubits, 0 AND 1 at the same time) i.s.o. bits (0 or 1) will result in very fast computers, which in turn will speed up development of e.g. medicins. 
Fermions vs. Bosons: 
"Particles and quasiparticles come in two basic types, fermions and bosons, depending on the type of spin they have. The elementary particles of matter (electrons, quarks and neutrinos) are fermions, while photons and other force carriers are bosons. Particles are paired with antiparticles—antimatter electrons are positrons, etc.—but photons are their own antiparticles. To annihilate, particles and antiparticles must have opposite charge, so Majorana fermions, which are their own antiparticles, need to be electrically-neutral. At present, no fermion is known to be its own antiparticle, although neutrinos may have this property (we don't yet know)." 

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